4 Decades Down in the Books!

Today I hit a pretty big milestone birthday and officially turning the key on 4 decades of life! I remember turning 30 and thinking, “Wow, I only have 10 more years till I turn 40!” and that scared me so much. I was in the middle of raising little humans having no time for myself and having the hardest time adjusting. I am one who strives on living a balanced life and in those years I had none. My mood suffered because of it and I felt like I was slowly losing who I am.

But in this past decade especially, there has been a lot of trial and error to self-grow, to self-appreciate, and more importantly to self-love. All of which has shaped my positive attitude towards life today. My life is not perfect by any means and I am not happy and bubbly all the time, but I have learned the importance of giving myself a healthy balance of “me” time – and NOT FEELING GUILTY ABOUT IT. A time to self analyze and reflect AND a time for self care for both body and mind is so important! Without it, I can’t give the best of me to my family and to the rest of the world.

Don’t get me wrong – I have not reached a finish line and I am not sitting on the other side talking to you from a perfectly balanced place! But I am speaking from the perspective of – I am a work-in-progress, and the progress I have made so far has transformed my life to the better. And I am not talking about some profound secret but I am talking about the little decisions I make each and every single day to be healthy on all levels – and these little decisions have given me so much of my balance back.

So on my 40th birthday, I would like to tell YOU, the young over-worked professional woman, or the new overwhelmed mom, or the new empty nester who just saw her kids off to college, you need “YOU” time. Do something active each day, self-reflect one on one with God, put on that lipstick and mascara (there is nothing vain about that!), wake up early (something I need to work on!) and have a plan, set goals and don’t yield on making them! You will begin to appreciate your self worth and see yourself in the same light as the Lord sees you. And you, without knowing, will be teaching those around you the importance of self worth and you will even begin to inspire others to do the same. And that is nothing to feel guilty about. Ever!

I know this post was pretty short and sweet but if you ever need more tips or help or more details on what I do to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle, please ask me! I am not a life coach or an expert but just a regular gal who is determined to make the most of the best gift God ever gave her.

Thank you so much for reading. Make sure you subscribe to not miss a blog post and follow me on Instagram and Facebook. This post is not sponsored but contains affiliate links, which means Jolie and Grace receives a small commission if you click a link or purchase an item. Please check out the full disclosure policy for more details.


  1. 12.30.18
    Kellie said:

    I absolutely loved this short and sweet post! It was perfect!!! I’m about to hit my 40th on 12/31 and posting my blog too. I am embracing this milestone and so happy to find a fellow blogger doing the same! You rock!!!

    • 1.2.19
      jolieand said:

      Thank you so much Kellie! That means so much to me and happy birthday to you!

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